Friday, April 3, 2009

Stagnation in Canadian Politics

Rarely, has a country in the western world, seen such a lack of imagination, vision, ideas, proposals and democratic dialog as Canada has for the past 4 years.
Conservatism (in the political sense) has completely engulfed both the political parties and the vast majority of our society.
Canadian people are afraid of change towards any direction. Our society often reminds me of a scared person, imprissoned and unhappy but content that with little or no effort it can secure all it needs to survive.

We have a conservative party in power that is too scared to be themselves. Canadian people don't won't them to turn Canada in what they envision (turning us into another US state) but in the stagnating and uninspiring political landscape, having the Consevatives leading the country (albeit with a minority government...thank God,say the canadians, a conservative majority would be too scary) generates a warm feeling of security to our society.

On the other hand we have a Liberal party that is remenessing of the past glorious, progressive days, being happy that they have turned into light conservatives. The Liberals have consistently voted with the governing conservatives in every important legislation and confidence vote. They have long given up on trying to pretend they are the official opposition and having realised that they can't win an election, they have come to be almost indistinguishable from the conservative party. That is the apogee of decadence: "Supporting mediocracy to serve personal and party interests".

The Bloc Quebecois after the retreat of the seperation issue from the Quebec society's agenda, are going through an identity crisis. Light conservatives, light progressives and light to hard-core seperatists are synthesizing a party that has no idea why it exists. Once more, knowing that in a possible electrion they can only lose seats they prefer conserving (sic) what they have (and rot) than triggering elections, and therefore bringing about any change.

The NDP, scared and agitated with the whole political landscape, has slowly lost its vigour and imagination. The NDP is fastly becoming a party unable and scared of telling the Canadian people of its vision about a fair, prosperous, green society; about a country that is a world leader in technology, ecology and peace. The NDP has been infected with the conservatism virus as well but at least its immune system is quite strong. Besides it is the only party that is actually acting as opposition and would not mind having elections which would bring about an open dialog about what vision we want for the country.

Finally, the Green party has to learn that by showing off green pancarts and beautiful flowers one cannot bring any change. The Green party is just that; green. They have no complete political vision nor do they know what they would do were they to become government tomorrow. Even their green plan is not much greener than that of the NDP. If you sum the votes of the NDP and the Green party (they practically agree on most issues apart from the colour of a new potential party) you'd have a party that could potentialy set the target of becoming a government. Unless both the NDP and the Greens think that the mid-size local bussiness (which I'm all for) work better in politics as well. Politics are the only area of human society where strategic alliances and coalitions are not only more efficient but necessary; especially in a stagnating and rotting society that has no direction or dreams for the future of their country.

We all know what happens to stagnating ecosystems and everything that lives in it. The inflow of nutrients (new ideas and vision) slowly drops; the living organisms start decaying and rotting and the whole ecosystem eventually dies.

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